When first launching your company, you believed that you could take the world on your own. Although your business was successful, it soon became apparent that you would need some support. You decided to take on a team of staff and a business partner. You chose a...
2 ways you may experience supplier fraud
Suppliers play an integral role in the operations of businesses as they provide the products and services needed to run. Thus, business owners strive to have positive relationships with them for smooth operations. However, a supplier may commit some unlawful acts to...
Avoid being victimized by contractor fraud
Here in Houston, just miles from the Gulf of Mexico, we make a prime target for hurricanes, tropical storms and even flooding from especially heavy rains. When natural disasters occur, another unnatural disaster typically follows – storm-chasing “contractors’ looking...
2 steps you can take to protect your business from employee fraud
Employee fraud can have far-reaching implications for your business. Besides financial loss, the legal implications of having your customers’ data compromised can be overwhelming. If you are a victim of employee fraud, it is important that you take appropriate steps...
Taking action when a supplier delivers cut-rate materials
Maybe you need a constant source of fresh greens for the grab-and-go salads that comprise roughly half of your deli's daily lunch sales. Perhaps you are in the construction industry and you need a supplier to provide you with flooring materials that meet the standards...
Is a debtor using bankruptcy to avoid paying your business?
There are numerous regulations in place restricting Chapter 7 bankruptcy filings to prevent abuses of the process. A surprising number of individuals or businesses will use bankruptcy not as a tool for their own protection but as a means of avoiding financial...
Could your business be a victim of wire fraud?
Wire fraud is a serious offense that could harm your business. When you’re a victim of wire fraud, it means that you’ve been defrauded (or that someone attempted to defraud you) through some form of electronic communication. That could mean that you were defrauded by...
Could your business be accused of mail fraud?
Mail fraud scams are those that may use the mail to seek money or other benefits from customers or other individuals. With a mail fraud scam, for example, you might offer an opportunity to purchase an item and then never fulfill it. There are many different types of...
How can you detect employee fraud in the workplace?
No employer wants to think that one or some of their employees are dishonest. Unfortunately, the truth is employee or workplace-related fraud is on the rise. Most employers only take measures to boost controls after discovering fraud. Fortunately, you can reduce...
Handling tax issues to avoid allegations of tax fraud
As a business owner, it is your responsibility to avoid making mistakes on your taxes. You are responsible for filing on time and paying the appropriate amount of tax to the federal government, state or local government. Tax fraud can get you into deep trouble with...