Businesses providing goods and services do not always receive payment in full ahead of time. Frequently, organizations agree to accept partial payment or to bill for services and goods at a later date. They need written agreements or legal protections to prevent...
Can an airplane owner contest a lien after a creditor obtains one?
Companies that operate in the aviation sector often provide services with partial payment or on a credit basis. They allow owners to delay payments for repair services, space at a hanger or fuel. Most of the time, airplane owners make good on their financial...
How long does a business have to foreclose on an aviation lien?
Some financial obligations are secured debts. There is collateral property directly attached to the financial instrument. Car loans and mortgages are examples of secured financial instruments that treat financed property as collateral. If a borrower falls behind on...
The risks of filing an improper aircraft lien
A lien is a legal claim against an asset, like an aircraft, to secure payment of a debt or obligation. Liens can be legitimate ways to ensure payment, but filing an improper one can result in serious legal and financial consequences. One major risk of filing an...
Why would you use an aircraft lien?
In some cases, a lien may need to be put on an aircraft. This is a legal tool that can be used to give someone other than the owner a form of rights over that aircraft. If the owner tries to sell the aircraft or take other steps to get out of their obligation, the...
Collecting unpaid charter fees or fuel accounts
Aviation mechanic's liens are an important legal tool for individuals or businesses in the aviation industry, including as service providers, repair shops and fuel suppliers, who are trying to collect unpaid charter fees or fuel accounts. These liens provide a way to...
Understanding aircraft liens: The basics
Aircraft mechanic's liens are consequential legal resources which help to ensure that mechanics, fuel providers and repair facilities are compensated for their services performed on aircraft. According to Texas law, “A person who stores, fuels, repairs, or performs...
Can you dispute a mechanic’s lien on an aircraft?
Navigating the realm of mechanic's liens on aircraft can be a complex process. While these liens serve as a form of security for mechanics and repair facilities, they can pose challenges for aircraft owners. The good news is that disputing a mechanic's lien on an...
Unpaid hangar fees could lead to liens against airplanes
It is often a combination of convenience and cost that prompts someone to store their airplane at a specific facility. Small airports may have independently-operated hangars that charge vastly different rates for airplane storage when compared with other nearby...
Can someone sell an airplane subject to a mechanic’s lien?
Paying after receiving goods or services is a common practice in most industries. Individual consumers and businesses alike often use credit to make purchases or take advantage of delayed payment arrangements. By offering credit and post-service payment options,...