Having a couple of competitors can be good for your business. While you have to share the market, you won't find yourself stretched too thin to maintain your standards. You can turn aside difficult customers without causing them any hardship, and you have an example...
Month: May 2022
What might make an employment contract invalid?
All businesses require reliable employees to carry out daily operations. It’s not always easy to secure competent staff, but it’s certainly possible. When you’ve managed to do this, you want to think about different ways of making them feel valued and secure. You...
Can planes be foreclosed on?
Working in aviation, you have several planes that you use to transport people and items across the country. You have been making payments on work done on them, and you still owe money on a few of the planes you purchased. If you fall behind on the payments for a...
How could you get dragged into an intellectual property dispute?
When you run a business, you do not work alone. Not only do you have employees, but you might also contract the services of others for particular tasks. The actions of any one of those people could land you in a legal dispute. As the owner or boss of a company, you do...