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4 tips for communicating with suppliers

On Behalf of | Aug 24, 2023 | Business Disputes

A significant percentage of supplier disputes occur due to poor communication. If a business communicates effectively with suppliers, and vice versa, the chances of mistakes, such as delays and the delivery of the wrong materials, may decrease.

Below are four tips for communicating with suppliers:

Choose suitable communication channels 

You should determine the communication channels to use when communicating with suppliers. Most businesses use several platforms, including email, phone calls, text messages and fax. While this may seem reliable, it can lead to missed messages, especially if you have several suppliers. Thus, it will help to be clear about when a channel should be used or even assign each supplier a particular platform.

Additionally, it will be best to have regular in-person meetings with suppliers, if possible.

Discuss complaints earlier

If you have a complaint, you should communicate it to your supplier earlier. If you fail to do so, they may repeat the issue in question, and in turn, you may experience more losses that could have been avoided. 

Listen actively

Your suppliers may have suggestions, needs or complaints. It’s crucial to listen to them to avoid misunderstandings and help you attain your goals. For instance, a supplier can provide you with a solution that ensures efficient ordering.

Be clear

Clarity or the use of plain language when communicating with suppliers is critical. Using complicated terms may lead to misunderstandings. 

Your suppliers should understand what you communicate with them and be able to contact you when they need more information about a matter.

Communication is key to a better business-supplier relationship. And the above-discussed tips can help you achieve this. However, if you are in conflict with your supplier, you should determine the best way to resolve it.   



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