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How to handle a disgruntled employee: 4 tips

On Behalf of | Jun 24, 2023 | Business Disputes

Chances are you do your best to improve employee satisfaction. However, one of your workers may be unhappy. Numerous factors can lead to this, including disagreements with coworkers, feeling overlooked, disagreeing with how management handled an issue and so on.

It’s crucial to identify a disgruntled employee and take action sooner, rather than later, before the matter gets out of hand. Here is how you can do this:

1. Find out what’s causing the issue

You need to obtain adequate information about why an employee is unhappy. Therefore, you should meet with them to express your concerns. It can help to bring specifics to the table about the behavior that is causing your concerns so that you can have a clear dialogue. Let the employee do as much talking as possible so that you can determine exactly what is leading to the problems

2. Listen carefully

Once you have informed your employee about your concerns, you should listen to their perspective. Find out what they would ideally like to see happen, and why. Listening attentively and acknowledging their opinions can help you understand the matter in-depth and, in turn, employ the best solutions.

3. Try to find a mutual solution

Helping a disgruntled employee may not be easy, but it’s possible. You may have to implement different solutions before finding one that works. Hence, your employee should know you support them and are willing to help them improve. 

4. Document everything as you go

You should keep detailed notes for every meeting you have with a disgruntled employee. This can help you track progress or consider other options if the problem is unresolved. If necessary, you may have to start the employee on a performance improvement plan (PIP) to help them improve.

A disgruntled employee can lead to situations where your company is accused of discrimination, retaliation or wrongful discharge. You should get legal guidance to make informed decisions. 



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