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What are valid reasons I can nullify a contract?

On Behalf of | Apr 24, 2020 | Contract Law

Any person or company looking to do business with one another frequently enters into a written contract with another party as a type of guarantee that they’ll receive a product or service in exchange for some type of compensation. There are instances when the parties to that contract may find themselves no longer in agreement with its terms. It’s in cases like this that you may be able to terminate the contract. You’ll need to have a legal justification to do so though or otherwise you may be sued.

Many scenarios may render a contract null and void. If the person that signed the contract lacked the mental capacity to understand the legal consequences of doing so, then it may be declared invalid at a later date.

Any individual who’s under the age of 18 is considered as a minor and cannot sign a legally binding contract. If a business tries to have them sign a contract, then their parents may be able to get it thrown out because they weren’t entitled to sign it in the first place.

If a person was threatened with physical harm or otherwise subjected to signing a contract under duress, then they too may be able to seek to have a contract voided.

A Houston judge will also generally nullify a contract if someone committed fraud or misrepresented facts to get someone to sign the document.

If one of the parties to the contract fails to live up to the terms of the contract by, for example, failing to deliver certain goods and services, then the person that was expecting to receive that good may be allowed to request a termination of the contract.

Countless people and businesses here in Texas enter into contracts daily. A failure for one of the parties to comply with its terms happens on occasion. An attorney can review your agreement and let you know whether you may qualify to terminate it. Your Houston lawyer may also advise you of your right to recoup the money you are out of if you’re successful in terminating it.



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