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2 tips for dealing with a delay from your supplier

On Behalf of | May 14, 2024 | Business Disputes

It can be devastating when your supplier starts delaying orders because this can negatively impact your business operations. Nonetheless, delays don’t always warrant ending a relationship with your supplier.

It can be beneficial to take other steps first, including:

Communicating with them

If a supplier delays delivering an order despite knowing when deliveries are expected as written in your supplier contract, contact them to obtain more information. In most cases, your supplier will inform you an order may be delayed and the reasons behind it beforehand. But if they don’t, consider initiating the conversation.

Learn more about what caused the delay. What is the issue? Can it be resolved quickly? What measures are they implementing to ensure such a delay does not happen again? 

Further, when communicating with your supplier, it’s vital to be kind. As a fellow business owner, empathize with the struggles they may be facing at the moment. But still, let them know they need to solve the problem to protect your business. 

Note that you may also be the root of the delay. Thus, be ready to accept responsibility if the supplier links their delay to any change you may have made to your business.

Regularly reviewing your supplier’s performance

You should regularly evaluate the performance of all your suppliers to spot problems quickly. But more so the one who delays orders. Firstly, politely remind them of the guidelines set in your supplier contract -when you expect to receive deliveries, quality of items and so on.

Additionally, assess their performance regularly and let them know when they have improved or need to improve.

If a supplier keeps delivering orders late, it may be time to seek some legal guidance. 



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