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Pushing back against a company misusing your trademarked logo

On Behalf of | Nov 4, 2021 | Business Disputes

Your company’s logo helps consumers find your storefront or your products online. You have developed a loyal customer base because you offer quality products. Unfortunately, one company succeeding can bring bad players out of the woodwork.

Some business owners discover trademark infringement issues when they visit a local business. They see their logo on a package that is clearly not one of their products or a poorly-made imitation. Other times, it might be a dissatisfied customer who alerts you to the issue when they call or send a message over social media to complain. You realize that another business has started using your logo on a knockoff product.

How can you fight back against that infringement on your rights?

Battling an intellectual property dispute often has multiple steps

Your business could face numerous consequences because someone else wants to ride on the coattails of your success. Obviously, customers and businesses buying a competing product reduces your market share and deprives you of possible sales. Equally concerning is the damage that mediocre products displaying your logo could ultimately damage your business’s reputation.

You have ownership rights as soon as you start using your trademark or logo on your packaging or business facilities. However, you have to formally register the trademark to have the strongest legal protections. Many businesses that didn’t do so prior will have to register their trademark before they move forward with legal action against another business using their logo.

After formally registering, the business that owns or created the logo can then notify the other party that they have to stop using the logo immediately. Such notification often goes hand-in-hand with a civil filing to recoup damages.

Don’t let imitators damage your brand with mediocre copies of your product

Realizing someone has tried to infringe upon or steal your intellectual property is disheartening, but fighting back can be empowering.

Not only can you potentially recoup the damages done to your business, but you can also set a powerful example of how such misconduct does not pay. In some cases, the other party will change their behavior as soon as you send notice that you are aware of their actions. Other times, only intervention by the court will resolve the matter.

Taking action quickly protects your company’s future when a business dispute threatens your bottom line.



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