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What is ‘slander of title’ in aviation?

On Behalf of | Feb 25, 2021 | Aviation

Laws provide specific protections for certain entities that provide services in the aviation field. Liens and other remedies are possible if an aircraft owner fails to pay what’s due for certain services, such as refueling, maintenance and storage. This allows the entity to stake a claim on the aircraft to remedy the balance due for services.

While aviation liens aren’t all that common, they do occur. Unfortunately, this is a situation that can lead to negative exchanges. It’s possible that some untrue statements might be made regarding the situation or the aircraft. In some cases, those statements might qualify as slander of title. It’s imperative that anyone who thinks this might have happened understand what is necessary to make this claim.

What is required to make a ‘slander of title’ claim?

Slander of title means that there are false statements made about the property that can decrease its value. These comments can be made in writing, but they can also be made verbally. The key point is that they have to decrease the value of the aircraft.

The decrease in value must be something that can be proven. If this is the case, a claim can be filed so that the individual who suffers the damages due to the slander can try to offset them.

When a person makes a slander of title claim, they must show that there are damages associated with the statement. If there aren’t any damages, the claim won’t be successful. Working closely with an attorney who has experience with these claims can help.



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