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Didn’t get paid for your work? A mechanic’s lien could help

On Behalf of | Jul 31, 2020 | Aviation

You work hard in the aviation industry. As a mechanic, you work on planes for many individuals, making sure that they’re ready to fly. It’s always your goal to get planes in perfect shape because any errors could lead to crashes or serious accidents.

As someone who provides repairs on aircraft, you do generally have a right to assert a lien on any aircraft you work on when the owner does not pay what you’re owed. You may also be able to retain possession of that aircraft until you receive payment.

An artisan’s lien, also known as a mechanic’s lien, protects you

If one of your clients states that they are not going to pay you or that they are unable to pay what you’re owed, then you can file a lien against the aircraft. There are several required steps to do this, which is why it’s generally a good idea to talk to your attorney before taking this step. A lien is not always the best course of action, but it can help you get the money that you’re owed in some instances.

If you want to file a lien, it needs to be filed with the Federal Aviation Administration. The lien can be enforced once it’s approved. Usually, that means that the owner of the aircraft won’t be able to sell it until you are paid for the services that you rendered. The aircraft needs to have a clear title to be sold in most cases, so once they’re ready to sell, you may end up receiving payment on that lien to clear the title.

There are steps you can take to get paid sooner, which is something to discuss with your attorney. Our site has more on aviation issues and what to do if you’re not paid on time.



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