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Defrauded? Fight back and protect your business

On Behalf of | Jun 2, 2020 | Business Disputes

You are an upstanding business owner. You do all you can to pay taxes on time, to make good on your deals with other businesses and to uphold your contracts.

You never expected that you’d be a victim in a fraud case, but that’s what happened. A company sent you a bill for services that they said they had rendered to you. Not thinking about it, you quickly paid, seeing that the bill was past due.

Today, your accountant came to you and said there had been significant debits on your bank account. They weren’t for anything you’d purchased. Instead, you were a victim of mail fraud and a company stealing from your accounts.

Situations like this are serious, and you deserve fair representation. You still have the information about the company that claimed that you owed them money, so you may want to discuss your situation with your attorney. Your attorney can reach out to them to try to clear up any miscommunication, or they can send a letter seeking the return of funds. In a worst-case scenario, you can start a lawsuit against the other entity for defrauding you, which may help you get back the money that you lost.

If you’ve been defrauded as a business owner, you deserve the support you need to get back your money and to hold the other party responsible for their actions. You are a victim in this situation and deserve to make your case known. The sooner you act, the better your case and the odds of recovery will be. Our website has more information on fraud and what to do if you’ve been victimized.



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