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What to look for in a commercial lease

On Behalf of | Oct 24, 2019 | Contract Law

Business owners in Texas may want to lease a commercial space instead of buying one outright. However, there is generally no such thing as a standard commercial lease. Therefore, it is important for tenants to know how to negotiate an agreement that is in their best interests. Landlords may require that tenants pay utilities, maintenance costs and other expenses in addition to the base rent. Landlords may also require that tenants pay a security deposit as a condition of leasing a commercial space.

Tenants should be sure to ask their landlords if they will be making any improvements to a property before the lease begins. They should also be sure to ask for verification that the space is zoned properly and that it is in compliance with laws such as the Americans With Disabilities Act. Those who are looking to lease a commercial office or warehouse may be able to include a clause that allows them to sublease the property.

This means that the tenant can assign the lease to another party until it runs out. Doing so may allow an individual to get out of the agreement without having to make future rent payments. Ideally, there will also be clauses that allow a business owner to renegotiate the terms of the contract before it expires.

Individuals who are looking to negotiate commercial leases may want to do so with the help of an attorney. This person may have experience with contract law that may make it easier to craft a favorable deal. An attorney may also be able to help a business owner renegotiate an existing deal. If a dispute arises, legal counsel may be able to help a tenant resolve the problem either through private talks or by taking the matter to court.



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