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How can I avoid contract disputes?

If you own a business in Texas, you’re probably aware of how essential contracts are for your operation to function. Avoiding common disputes is crucial in this case, as they can cost you money, cause delays, and ultimately harm the reputation of your enterprise. While you can’t always prevent conflicts from occurring, Inc. offers the following advice on how to reduce the risk.

Make sure budgets are finalized

There are a lot of variables that go into creating a budget for your business and it’s vital that these variables are accounted for before a contract is signed. For instance, if expenses are higher than initially quoted, your client or associate could claim that they weren’t made fully aware of the total cost. Make sure your budget is completely finalized before moving forward, as this will prevent any surprises down the line.

Consider notarizing contracts

When a document is notarized it can protect you against future issues. Because both parties will be required to present identification at the signing you can rest assured that all parties are who they say they are. Additionally, the notary process means it’s more likely that everyone will read the document, which means any conflicts will be discussed before the contract is signed. While it’s an extra step, it’s worth it to prevent disputes.

Perform due diligence

Along with creating a solid contract, you also want to make sure that the person you’re entering into a business relationship is able to hold up their end of the bargain. This requires performing due diligence, which will present insight into a business associate and any issues experienced in the past. You can ask the other signer directly while also looking online for any claims or liens against their company.



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